Sunday 5 September 2010

Honeycomb Words

"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones"

Proverbs 16:24

I have a sweet tooth. If I had to choose between sweet or savoury, sweet would definitely win. Although in saying that there is something about salted popcorn currently that makes me want to change my mind......mmmmm I could eat some now............*ahem* anyway...

Words, they are a powerful tool. From the same tongue that speak of love and kindness can come words of hurt and nastiness. How often do we spend our time lifting up others instead of putting them down? I know when someone says something nice to me, out of the blue, it really builds me up and sets me in great form. I did a team during the summer and the encouragement was constant from seeing God at work. However, one day during devotions, one of my team members turned randomly to me and said "I really like you Ali because you aren't afraid to say things" Another girl, that girl's sister as it happens, said to me that it was so lovely to have me on the team because I brought out the crazy, fun and chilled side to the leader of the team (and also one of my best friends) Dawn who had apparently been stressed out the year before. You think that people don't notice things about you, that you just blend in to the background. But how sweet is it to hear a random encouraging word, sweet enough to soothe a hurt or to lift a troubled heart. The gift of words are an incredible treasure. If you think about it, God gave the gift of words to Man - not to animals or plants (that would be weird wouldn't it...) but to us. He made us in His own image - God SAID "let there be light" and it happened. BOOM. We have the power of words, be careful not to use them for hurt. So often I will turn to someone and without thinking cut them down, or try to annoy them just because they have maybe annoyed me. Afterwards I feel horrible. Next time you go to slag someone off, even if it usual jest, try to say something that will linger long in that person's heart in a way that will keep them positive, upstanding and really catch them off guard!
I have a friend who honestly just used to suck the life out of me. Anytime I was near her I found it hard to be of any use - all my words, no matter how positive I tried to be, just seemed to hit against her brick wall she'd built around herself.  For everything positive, she had a negative. I seriously did not look forward to hanging out with her. I prayed about it, because in certain situations that's all I can do, pray and trust that God will sort the rest (..... to be fair I also did tell her she needed to get rid of the negativity.) God worked and through a series of eye-opening events, my friend is like a breath of fresh air! And what an encouragement to be around as a Christian, she has got rid of the negative spirit and I definitely feel uplifted around her now.

Thing is with words is that once they have been said, they can't be taken back. You can get over it and heal but you have to be careful not to let those words try to get you down. EVER. If you let the littlest doubt enter into your head about someone, and begin to recall maybe something hurtful they once said it can drag you down. If the person has apologised and things have moved on to a positive place. Live in that place. Both of you. Remember that when you leave someone, make them sorry that you have to go and look forward to seeing you again. Words of motivation, encouragement and love echo through our hearts over and over again in such a powerful healing way. If you think something nice about someone, tell them!
Think about it, phrases like "you annoy me"
"what's your problem"
"don't be so stupid"
Do those phrases emit any positive emotions within you? I wouldn't think so.
How lovely is it to hear
"You make my day brighter"
"I love spending time with you"
"Thanks for calling, I needed a good chat with you"
The list can go on.....

Here's my challenge to myself for this week. Words of encouragement. No matter how cheesey, I'll say it. I'm going to let people know that they matter to me, that I'm praying for them and that I love to spend time with them. Because if it's a lovely truth, why hide it from them?!