Thursday 27 May 2010

Quelle Surprise!

The subject for today is....


Good or bad?

Well that all depends really because people may see the same surprise in an opposite way. Like emmm for example, someone surprising you by jumping out from behind the curtains with a long-lost relative you've not seen in YEARS. Good for some because they really wanted to see that person. Bad for others because now they think "what the crap am I meant to say to them.....*sits in awkward silence*"

I myself like surprises. Which is weird because I've been brought up in an environment where surprises aren't really the done thing, except for Dad's surprise 60th party but that was different because my mum was the one organising it. My mum HATES surprises. Hence why Dad doesn't ever create them. Therefore when seeing them in movies or hearing of other people's stories I find surprises to be a lovely thing. I surprised one of my best friends once by jumping out from behind the sofa when she thought I was staying in America for Christmas. She screamed and then burst into tears. It was an amazing feeling to make someone cry, and by cry I mean cry tears of happiness. It was a moment that the two of us will never forget because I couldn't stop laughing as she cried on.
I miss moments like that whether they are my surprises or being surprised. I like the feeling of knowing that just by doing even a little something for someone else, it can really brighten their day. For that reason, I am going to make an aim for this week. And that aim is to surprise someone......hmmm thinking cap on....

That is all.

p.s. Mumford and Sons are rocking my eardrums at the moment. Their song The Cave is deep and meaningful. I love it. Check it out.

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