Thursday 13 May 2010

I am so smart, s-m-r-t....I mean s-m-A-r-t

....Homer Simpson quotes are some of the most hilarious around that I've read recently! Another one was: "Dear Homer, IOU one emergency donut. Signed Homer. Bastard! He's always one step ahead..."

Life thoughts

This week I managed to get my photography exam and all my coursework finished and it is funny how when you are so focused on completing something you actually don't think about the world around you. It was only on Wednesday night after I had handed everything in, and felt good about it, did I think I'd love to share this stress-free time and moment of joy with someone but of course no-one is ever available last minute, except Mr Tesco and his aisle of sweets....

So the following night I had decided that it was my chance to escape the house and finally get to the cinema (still need to see Ironman 2 flip sake) and Dawn chose for us to see The Back-Up Plan. This movie was pretty good, I tend to like most Rom Com's with Jennifer Lopez in them mainly because she always chooses a co-star who is pretty easy on the eye. The only thing that bugged me about the movie was that when J-Lo was in labour she decided she needed to go back to her Ex and tell him that she loved him and wanted him back after just breaking his heart a few months before. She broke this guys heart, she wasn't even having his babies but he STILL took her back.... fair play to him, that guy has guts and I'm sure there'd be very few men out there who would accept the offer of a crazy woman in labour yelling at him in the middle of the street with many passers-by watching. Pretty unrealistic I thought.

This movie however did inspire me. I needed a back-up plan, what to do if life didn't quite work out how I expected it to. I now have a back-up plan. Happy days.

Spiritual thoughts

I found this devotional this week and it has made me think a lot about a lot of things..


If you are serious about building great relationships, do the following.

1) Put others first. Listen: 'Serve [others] wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men' (Ephesians 6:7 NIV). If you take that mindset into all your dealings with others, you cannot go wrong.

2) Do not carry emotional baggage. If someone has hurt you and you need to address it, do so right away. Forgive them, resolve it and get beyond it. If it is not worth bringing up, forget it and move on.

3) Invest in your most valuable relationships. Do not give away your time on a first-come-first-served basis. Do not let the squeaky wheels take so much that you have nothing left for those who matter most.

4) Serve others gladly. One airline executive explained how difficult it is to hire and train people for his industry: 'Service is the only thing we have to sell, but it's the toughest thing to teach because nobody wants to be thought of as a servant.'

5) Constantly express your appreciation. Tell your loved ones how much you love them - and do it often! Too many of us think that the best way to help people is to criticise them or give them 'the benefit of our wisdom.' Wrong! The best way to help others is to see the best in them. Practice the 101 percent principle: look for one thing to admire, then give them 100 percent encouragement for it. That will help you to like them, and them to like you. What could be better for a relationship?

There's a lot to be learnt from this. It's actually doing it that is the hardest part.

I will try.

1 comment:

  1. True that. Something awesome to think about. I especially liked what you said about not giving out our time on a first come first serve basis.

    P.S. love a little romantic comedy but not with J-Lo!!!!
