Friday 30 April 2010

Don't rain on my parade.

I'm not gonna lie to you....

People who say they'll do something and then don't do it bug the crap out of me.

"oh yea sure I'll let you know tomorrow...."
You wait patiently, and hear nothing, so the following day you ask and you get your answer. Simple thing to say is "Look, mostly likely I'll forget to let you know so why don't you just ask me again then tomorrow."
Yes, that is right because I have nothing better to do than sit around and wait for you....

Ranting over. Let's move on to pleasant things.

I love this song :

It's Rachel singing 'Don't Rain on My Parade' on Glee. How amazing is her voice? Seriously! It's on my cd in the car, anyone who is walking the streets as I'm passing probably hears me belting this out because it is one of those songs that just makes you feel better when you sing it. It also makes for a good song to run to at the gym (that and Woman on a Misson by Gabriella Cilmi). I also love Defying Gravity but Kurt's voice annoys me so I can't listen to it as much....

Do you ever wonder if you worked at Tetley's Tea factory or something similar if you have to always drink tea, or are you allowed to have a Coffee Break? I guess it would help to be a complete tea-lover or else maybe they have like out the back of the factory, instead of a smoking area, a 'coffee area' for all those people who the rest of the staff look down their noses at because they are not drinking tea.

Anyway, I overdid it at the gym these past two nights so I'm pretty tired and achy and as a result am off to bed. On a leaving note though I'd just like to say 2 months today and I'll be on my way to America. Ehhh excited much?! Makes me happy!

No photos done today. Oops.


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