Tuesday 27 April 2010

Let your fingers do the talking.....

So I don't even know why I started a blog...........actually I do, it's to have a look at my thoughts written down. Also it's probably so that when I read back over what I've written I'll realise that I do say the most random stuff, and most likely use terrible grammar. Thus, by the end of my blog I will have annoyed myself for the latter and then consider whether to ever write a blog again.

But here it goes.

So tonight I've spent time with two highly valuable friends. With Toni it was chilling out discussing life, love and God in a cafe, and then with Dawn it was over the ever-faithful, or not-so-faithful, facebook chat. It doesn't matter what form the communication takes, verbal or written, the thoughts and feelings discussed are just the same, and the friendships are both so open and honest.
I love how in a christian friendship, if something is bothering you, you can ask your friend to pray with you/for you, and it's done. No hesitation. Instantly even the action makes you feel better because you know that God is hearing your cry through someone else. Amazing. God is amazing. I also love how the friendship can go from so serious, to spoofing. A simple word from one of them can end up with us both crying with laughter.... everyone should have a friend like this. If not, you need one, they are good for your soul!

Speaking of laughter, I heard on the radio today that it is one of the best things for you. Burns like however many hundreds of calories. Now if this is true, I should be a size 8 because I tend to hang about with people who make me laugh. These people are like magnets, or chocolate as I tend to be attracted towards this.............hmmm this would perhaps explain the fact I am not a size 8...........

On that note I shall go, I have not blabbed on for long enough but I am currently lacking my laptop and until it gets fixed I have to make do with the home PC and mum needs it now.....

Goodnight all

1 comment:

  1. "Until it gets fixed".

    That sounds like it's away to be fixed at some impersonal computer company or something.

    Why not try "until it gets fixed by my boyfriend"? Or "Until it gets fixed by Ian"?

    I'm jus' sayin'...
