Sunday 1 August 2010

Soul survival

I already know that this is going to be a random, jumpy blog. Just go with it, it is my thoughts you know....

Sometimes life can get you down. It doesn't matter if you are, like me, someone who tends to see the glass as half full, you still can get a bad case of....I want to say "the dumps" but that just sounds like needing the loo...sooo a bad case of....ehh... sad times. You may say to yourself, "well Ali every girl is going to get sad at least some time in the month" (you know what i mean) but there are just those times that just can't help but get you down.

The devil is obviously the instigator of such times when things have been going great. He gets in there with fears, doubts and insecurities, and makes you think things that never would occur to you previously. I was out with three of my best friends yesterday, all christian friends and all very good at giving good spiritual advice and having good Godly discussions in between catching up on all the latest news and events. It was right after this that the devil clearly decided to put thoughts into my head, so much so that it ended up that it got taken out on Ian that night. He just had to say one thing and that was it * insecurity alert* I was upset. Poor guy. Luckily for me God blessed me with a handsome but yet forgetful boyfriend (lol) and we watched Lost and all was well.


No, no,  the devil was still getting at me today...making me more and more insecure about a certain situation. This is why I am thankful for people who are good at helping me to survive. I went to church tonight and out afterwards with two of my best friends. Friends that I can ask to pray for me, and also who i can sit and pray with. They talked sweet sense to me, made me see that my insecurity was so far from the truth because of how much it can be seen that God had been at work. And now? I feel restored!
So whenever you are feeling down, grab a friend/family member/other half and talk to them about the issues you see and let them open your eyes to show you how much good stuff there actually is and how God is at the centre of it all sorting it all out and planning out your life. It is so refreshing sometimes to not have to figure it out for yourself, but to have someone else come along and be like "I can see God at work, here, here and here"

I  love prayer and praying for people and with people. It's funny, because sometimes the thought still makes me feel uncomfortable, but God pushed me out of that comfort zone to a place where I can sit down and pray with someone if they ask. A year ago that would never have happened.
I'd advise that if you are a christian that you keep a prayer journal, or at least some kind of record of your prayers, because looking back can be such an encouragement. I keep a prayer journal because even though I may think that God is not at work and listening to my cry,  and I know thatwhen I go back and look over my prayers in the future I'll be able to see how God really was at work and making me into a stronger, better christian and sustaining me through the hard times, and giving me great blessings that I don't deserve.
Don't you just love the Lord? I do!

So obviously God is number one for soul survival. Here are some other people that niece and nephew. Seriously you wonder how it's possible to just instantly love somebody You'll find out when there is a baby in your family....these pair make me laugh a lot.
So yea, family, friends, love, music, laughing..........they all help. So don't let the devil get you down, get up and keep on moving and God will get you out of your trench in whatever form He chooses to help you do it.

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