Friday 30 April 2010

Don't rain on my parade.

I'm not gonna lie to you....

People who say they'll do something and then don't do it bug the crap out of me.

"oh yea sure I'll let you know tomorrow...."
You wait patiently, and hear nothing, so the following day you ask and you get your answer. Simple thing to say is "Look, mostly likely I'll forget to let you know so why don't you just ask me again then tomorrow."
Yes, that is right because I have nothing better to do than sit around and wait for you....

Ranting over. Let's move on to pleasant things.

I love this song :

It's Rachel singing 'Don't Rain on My Parade' on Glee. How amazing is her voice? Seriously! It's on my cd in the car, anyone who is walking the streets as I'm passing probably hears me belting this out because it is one of those songs that just makes you feel better when you sing it. It also makes for a good song to run to at the gym (that and Woman on a Misson by Gabriella Cilmi). I also love Defying Gravity but Kurt's voice annoys me so I can't listen to it as much....

Do you ever wonder if you worked at Tetley's Tea factory or something similar if you have to always drink tea, or are you allowed to have a Coffee Break? I guess it would help to be a complete tea-lover or else maybe they have like out the back of the factory, instead of a smoking area, a 'coffee area' for all those people who the rest of the staff look down their noses at because they are not drinking tea.

Anyway, I overdid it at the gym these past two nights so I'm pretty tired and achy and as a result am off to bed. On a leaving note though I'd just like to say 2 months today and I'll be on my way to America. Ehhh excited much?! Makes me happy!

No photos done today. Oops.


Wednesday 28 April 2010

Snap Happy

I'm not gonna lie to you....

I love photography....

I went into class tonight, after having a complete stress-athon about what to do for my final 12 images for my exam. I had a rough idea but kept on changing my mind. Then I decided, I've picked my theme - fruit - and I'm just going to MAKE IT WORK!

Now have half of my final images..........except one is of mushrooms, but they are cheeky looking and whenever it comes to my experimental photographs I am going to turn one of them into Toad from Super Mario Bros (as suggested by my teacher and if she thinks it's hilarious too then bonus points for me!). My point is however, I went from being stressy, to being soooo happy because I am loving the product of tonight's work in the mini-studio! Excitement all round for photographs!

It doesn't matter whether others think your photograph is crappy because every photographer has that one photograph that they will look at and always think to themselves secretly (or not-so-secretly) "Wow, I took that!"

Also, found out tonight I am going to be selling my photos!..........wwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhat! We are apparently having a gallery open night where two of our best photos are showcased and basically anyone and everyone, including local cafe/pub/restaurant owners are invited to come and buy our photos. Now that is a month away, but talk about PRESSURE ( *note to self, need to make business cards* ) but despite this, I am actually quite excited. Regardless of the fact my photographs could be complete crap when seen amongst the others in the class, I will be proud to say that those photos on the wall (and also one on the flyer being handed out to people!) are my own! If none of them sells then I shall have my friends pre-warned that they have to buy them...mates rates and all that.

Anyway, writing down my excitement and reading it over is so nice to do!

Oh, on a random note....

I saw a lovely little ginger cat running across the road today whilst I sat at the bus stop. As it reached the other side of the road, a huge magpie swooped in and tried to attack the cat!!! It then followed the cat as it ran along underneath the hedges and into the trees! (* note to self, never cross a magpie*....)

That is enough from me for tonight. I wonder when the blogging novelty will wear off.....

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Let your fingers do the talking.....

So I don't even know why I started a blog...........actually I do, it's to have a look at my thoughts written down. Also it's probably so that when I read back over what I've written I'll realise that I do say the most random stuff, and most likely use terrible grammar. Thus, by the end of my blog I will have annoyed myself for the latter and then consider whether to ever write a blog again.

But here it goes.

So tonight I've spent time with two highly valuable friends. With Toni it was chilling out discussing life, love and God in a cafe, and then with Dawn it was over the ever-faithful, or not-so-faithful, facebook chat. It doesn't matter what form the communication takes, verbal or written, the thoughts and feelings discussed are just the same, and the friendships are both so open and honest.
I love how in a christian friendship, if something is bothering you, you can ask your friend to pray with you/for you, and it's done. No hesitation. Instantly even the action makes you feel better because you know that God is hearing your cry through someone else. Amazing. God is amazing. I also love how the friendship can go from so serious, to spoofing. A simple word from one of them can end up with us both crying with laughter.... everyone should have a friend like this. If not, you need one, they are good for your soul!

Speaking of laughter, I heard on the radio today that it is one of the best things for you. Burns like however many hundreds of calories. Now if this is true, I should be a size 8 because I tend to hang about with people who make me laugh. These people are like magnets, or chocolate as I tend to be attracted towards this.............hmmm this would perhaps explain the fact I am not a size 8...........

On that note I shall go, I have not blabbed on for long enough but I am currently lacking my laptop and until it gets fixed I have to make do with the home PC and mum needs it now.....

Goodnight all